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Woke; and the Chinese Communist Party!

The elements of chaos the CCP uses to destroy America, among them, not in order, is the news media, academia, economic strangleholds (over companies that couldn't exist without China, like Walmart, Apple Computer, Amazon and General Electric) political upheaval (where did Facebook founder and majority stockholder, Mark Zukerberg, get the $446,000 he spread among the ‘election officials’ in five states in 2020)? On down the line you get racism, constantly being stoked, and lesser, but even more passionate issues like homosexuality. Here's where the woke thing comes in, currently promoted as family entertainment, with ‘drag’ fairs put on in public schools, it's part of the chaos program! What the ‘wokes’ should be aware of is if the CCP is successful in bringing America to its knees, and takes over, the ‘Wokes’ are instant history. Just like the drug dealers in China.

Have a nice day!

February 16, 2023


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