Who owns Federal Express?
Or how about Federal Mogul, the auto parts people or Federal Ammunition or the Federal Reserve? None of the above belong to, or are part of, a Federal Agency! They are privately owned, and like all businesses their primary pursuit it is to turn a profit, yes, make money! Now the one of all the above that concerns and affects everyone of us, is the Federal Reserve! What is it, and where did it come from? It is owned by the banks, every bank that has National Bank in its name has to own shares! It is a private organization, the only function any part of the government has is the U.S. President gets to nominate the chairman of the Federal Reserve, from a slate of candidates provided by the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve was created by an act of Congress, not a Constitutional Amendment, in 1913, and the idea was sold to the unsuspecting masses as a way to control ‘predatory’ banks! In reality it was illegally formed because it transferred the most powerful function of the U.S. Treasury, to the Federal Reserve! The U.S. Constitution specifically states, Article one, Section 8, Paragraph five, Congress shall have the power (paragraph five) “to coin money, regulate the value thereof.” The Federal Reserve act transferred that “regulate the value” from Congress to a private entity, which as we all know, plays that power like a yoyo! Since the power to regulate the value of money is defined in the Constitution, that power could not be transferred without a Constitutional Amendment, and that did not happen. The Federal Reserve Act does not retain any oversight power to Congress, none ‘whatsoever’. The first step the general public needs to understand is the Federal Reserve is not a government agency. It belongs to the most untrustworthy industry in America, the Banks, and the financial industry. You need to dig into the history of the creation of the Federal Reserve, and act accordingly. Like lifetime appointments of Federal Judges, the Federal Reserve didn't turn out good for America! The ‘power hold’ the ‘Fed’ has on the public is its confusing name!
Have a nice day!
#459 www.byrdsword.com
June 19, 2022