Where is Universal Health Care?
In 2015/2016, during the Trump phenomenon, all you heard from the Trump camp was, #one, I will secure the border and deport the illegals, #two was I will repeal Obama Care and create something much better! Number three was I will cut the taxes (for the rich) and cancel a lot of business regulations. At that time the polls showed about 80% of Americans in favor of Universal Health Care, and about the same number in favor of deporting the illegals. Deporting the illegals and the hint of something better than the A.C.A. was what elected Trump in 2016. The only one of the three that got any effort from Trump was the tax cuts, which ‘ballooned’ the National Debt. We haven't heard a word about Universal Health Care since 2016, but I believe the overall sentiment is still there. Let's stand up and be heard!
Have a Happy Day!
#597 byrdsword
November 5, 2023