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What is the purpose of the Virus Vaccine?

If the purpose is to limit the number of deaths, and save lives, and the supply is very limited, how do you start? Do you take a known group of 21 million, the ‘medical industry’ with a known total death number of 858, as of Dec. 1, 2020, which gives that group a DPM of 41. (Deaths Per Million) The average age of the ‘medical industry’ is under 40. Or do you take a group from the rest of the total society, which has a death rate of 937, DPM? Take the over 65 group which has 80% of all deaths, 256,740, in the US, and the over age 80 group has a high percentage of that total (a person 85 years old has 630 times the chance of dying from the Virus than a 29-year-old). If the vaccine had been available on Feb. 1, 2020, and had a 98% ‘efficacy’ rate in the medical industry group, and you vaccinated all of the group you would have saved 840 people! Using the same protocol, if you would have vaccinated 21 million from the over 65 group, starting from the top down, of the 17,116 deaths in that group, and a 70% effective rate in that group, you would have saved 11,981 lives. 840 as opposed to 11,981? case closed. The ‘creeps’ that made the vaccine allocations should have fell back on the adage “if you want to shoot ducks, you go where the ducks are”! Have a nice day!


December 20, 2020


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