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What Influences Foreign Trade?

In our so-called ‘free market’ economy, you would think it would be ‘supply and demand’. That’s a myth about like ‘Santa Claus’ brings all those Christmas presents. Trade is regulated, and maybe regulated is not the right word, trade and ‘trade deals’ are made by lobbyists, the bagmen (and women) of whatever group is writing their check! While they try to squeeze the best deal, they can get for their group, the deal is not always good for America, and especially for our working class. The guilt of sacrificing the general welfare for a perceived quick profit goes from the top to the bottom, and even includes our ‘hayseed’ farmers, often thought of as ‘dawn to dark’ hard workers, and grossly underpaid. That is not the case in world trade, where the US has made billions in concessions to foreign countries with the hope of selling huge amounts of ag products to them, like beef to China, which has 20% of the World population, but hold up a minute, they also have 35% of the worlds cattle. Another ‘hole’ in ‘free trade’ and ‘supply and demand’, sugar, the world price of sugar is less than half of the price in the US, how come? to ‘protect’ US growers! Protecting US growers is fine with me, but it is gross hypocrisy in reference to free trade, and supply and demand. Is this evolution of law and business good or bad? It’s totally bad, the rules, and results, are made by people ‘hired’ by self interest groups, and have bypassed the elected representatives. We are headed downhill on a steep grade with no brakes. It’s not going to turn out well! Have a nice day!


October 20, 2020


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