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What elected Trump in 2016?

If you have a decent memory system, you will recall he campaigned on Four issues. The # one was building the wall and deporting the illegals. That gave Trump more votes than anything else, with that he captured most of the blue-collar vote. His # 2 issue, campaign wise, was tax cuts, that set really well with the top 5%, income wise, but it also only gained him part of that 5% in votes. The number three issue was repealing the Affordable Care Act, with the promise he would do away with ‘Obama Care’ and replace it with something far better. When it came down to a vote in Congress, he had no alternative to offer, zero. His ‘alluding’ to replacing it with something better made many people believe he would support universal health care, which is still a very viable option. His number 4 campaign issue was he would ‘repeal’ a bunch of Federal Regulations, and he did. But going back to the number one issue that elected him in 2016, when he held all the trumps, he sidetracked the ‘wall’ and rounding up the illegals. In fact, he put very little effort into immigration until after the 2018 midterms, where he lost the opportunity. The effort he put into the ‘illegal’ problem after the midterms in 2018 was only because Rush Limbaugh told him he could forget about a second term if he didn't get on the immigration thing ‘right now’. Where I am going with this is the current conservative ‘talking heads’ never mention what elected Trump in 2016. But they are ‘heavy’ on what he would do with the southern border and the ‘illegal aliens’ if he is reelected in 2024. In fact, Trump had a December 2016 meeting with the National Dairy Association in Florida, and you never heard any more about deporting illegal aliens, until December of 2018. While the current administration leaves little choice in the necessity of a drastic change, serious thought should go into every vote. Giving Trump credit where credit is deserved, he did recognize the imbalance of trade with China, and he did promote domestic energy. In my opinion Trump's biggest failures were his inability to recognize who his friends were, and likewise his enemies. I was ‘shocked’ when he invited Mitt Romney to join the administration, and for Jim Comey to remain. He was very slow in ‘firing’ Attorney General Sessions, and then Bill Barr, both part of the ‘deep state’! On top of all the ‘bad advice’ he got from his circle, the very worst came from his son-in-law. Trump might do better if he gets a second chance.

Have a nice day!


September 30, 2022


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