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Walking back History; Henry Kissinger

The most charitable thing that can be said about ‘Dr. Kissinger’ is that he is well connected, worldwide, and that he is persistent. The hard fact is Henry Kissinger has been an agent of the

Chinese communist party for about 65 years. If any single person can be held responsible for the export of our industry to China, Its Henry Kissinger. The transition was done step by step, starting with his ‘mediation’ with China to end the Viet Nam war, then the ‘push’ to create the ‘one world’ industrial society. The first big step the U.S. took was the North American Free Trade Agreement, which contained the legal steps to export the industry. N.A.F.T.A. supposedly only applied to the U.S., Canada and Mexico, but all the rules established by N.A.F.T.A were easily bent to include China. The untenable position the U.S. is in at this moment in time is the legacy of Henry Kissinger. He is not a renowned international figure, he is, in reality, an absolute traitor to the U.S. and should be charged with treason. Like many of the other real bad guys, Kissinger will be allowed to just die of ‘old age’.

Have a nice day!


December 18, 202


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