Vivik Ramaswamy?
This guy, a candidate for U.S. President, was a guest on the Charlie Kirk Show this morning, June 6, 2023, and for the first two minutes made good sense, cut ties with China, restore our domestic industry, close the border, restore national pride! Then the next three minutes was how he would ‘end’ the Ukraine war, right now! It would simply give Vladimir Putin everything he wants, including Ukraine, in exchange for Putin’s promise to be a ‘good boy’ in the future. That's Vivik’s opinion, opinions are often referred to in relation to a certain body part, everyone has one. In the case of Ramaswamy, the certain body part is way ahead of his expressed opinion! That ill-informed moron needs to check a little World War Two history. Neville Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister in 1939, was singing the exact same tune about Adolf Hitler. We all know how that worked out! President of the USA? Give me a break, I hope that is just a bad joke. And Charlie, it's nice to promote free speech, but the guest doesn't need to be Dumber than a thousand sheep. When we wake up to the Putin ‘land grab’, it might be too late.
Have a happy day!
#565 byrdsword
June 6, 2023