The Mexican Standoff!
What’s the holdup on the stimulus? It’s not the total amount, because it’s money we don’t have to start with, which is just the equivalent of borrowing on the equity you have in your home to live on, only on a larger scale. Back to the Pelosi/Trump standoff; the holdup is Trump refuses to fund ‘Planned Parenthood’ A.K.A. ‘Baby Murder Inc’, and Pelosi balks on suspending ‘Payroll Tax’ A.K.A. FICA, or funding for Social Security. They are both phony ‘back door’ issues that have nothing to with the financial problems created by the ’Wuhan’! And a quick quiz; what Country is doing the ‘best’ in the recovery? and what Country has the lowest ‘reported’ DPM (deaths per million)? and what country originated the Virus? If you answered China all three times, you are correct! Have a nice day!
October 20, 2020