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The Joy of Aging!

The first battles are generally over the weight issues, a lost war, and that morphs into the eyesight and hearing deficiencies, “I might have to consider glasses, or maybe a hearing aid”, although most people don’t think of eyesight or hearing loss as a sign of aging. As the clock continues to tick you happen to notice the ‘dark’ splotches on the back of your hands, “I’ll have to speak to the dermatologist about that”. Along with some degree of ‘absent mindedness’ comes problems with equilibrium, and a shortened’ stride, that can morph into baby steps. You might also notice the phone doesn’t ring as often as it used to, and when it does it’s generally the medical reminder folks alerting you about you’re appointments. One visitor you can count on is the ‘Bishop’, reminding you to remember the Lord (and the Bishop) when you are ‘divesting’ your material possessions. The biggest bump in the road is when a couple, getting along just fine, suddenly has one partner failing. That puts the workload, and some personal care, on the able partner, who may or may not be able to carry the double load. The final joy is when your faithful, long suffering Doctor friend tells you “we know what it is, but there is no cure”!

Have a Happy Day!

#628 byrdsword

March 25, 2024


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