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The ‘January 6’ Dunce Committee!

The group of morons comprising the so-called ‘January 6’ committee just released Trump's income tax returns to the public. In light of the fact that the IRS has had Trump's Income Tax under Constant audit for the last 5 years, and if he owed tax they would have collected it, the Committee had no legitimate use for the records, and it's doubtful if anyone on the Committee had the intelligence or expertise to audit the records anyway. So, what was the point in even subpoenaing the records? It's sole purpose was more political ‘charade’ to embarrass Trump, nothing more. The committee had no more right to obtain and publish Trump's tax records than they would have to obtain and publicize mine! And where was the Supreme Court when they ruled the committee could have the records, when they failed to show a valid reason for needing them? Maybe the Court was in a ‘huddle’ trying to determine what the definition of a woman is!

Have a nice day!

December 31, 2022


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