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The IRS and Election Rules, State by State?

Can you imagine what a can of worms we would have if the IRS was administrated by each individual State, setting their own rules, due dates, collection activities and even the tax rate! Like Federal political offices, the activities of the IRS effects the entire population of America. That's why the IRS is a Federal program with uniform rules that are the same in every state. Elections for Federal offices should be conducted just like the IRS rules, uniform in every state. And just like the IRS rules the election laws should come with penalties for violations, cash penalties for minor ‘infractions’, and prison for the biggies. Changing the election thing does not require a Constitutional Amendment, it's provided for in Article One, Section 4, clause one, of the Constitution. The first step in saving our Democracy!

Have a nice day!

February 14, 2023


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