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The Domino Effect

What if?, what if Zelensky would have done even a superficial, skim the surface investigation of why Hunter Biden and his associates collected 8 million dollars in salaries from the oil giant Burisma, when Trump asked him to “look into it”. Supposedly a Board of Directors member, over a period of 4 years, Hunter Biden admitted he only attended One board meeting, in the entire 4 years. If Zelensky would have done a quickie look at Hunter Bidens deal with Burisma it would have revealed the only benefit Burisma got from the arrangement was access to the Vice President of the U. S. Joe Biden, and by extension the President. Joe Biden publicly admitted he pressured the Ukraine Government to fire a Ukraine prosecutor who was investigating Burisma, by threatening to withhold a billion dollars in aid to Ukraine. That report coming from Zelensky, and made public would have ended Joe's political career, and he would not be president today. Zelensky’s failure to ‘look into’ Hunter Biden put Zelensky, the Ukraine and the United States all ‘in the box’ we are in today. To bad Zelensky, you did it to yourself.

Have a nice day!

March 7, 2022


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