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The Department of Justice and the FBI, Bad!

The DOJ and its agencies have evolved into a giant garbage dump, the stink is smelled around the world. The latest is a ‘two-bit’ attempt to put a cosmetic cover on the ‘black eye’ they have developed over everything from harassing school board ‘dissidents’ to their failure to prosecute Hunter and Joe Biden (over the Ukrainian pay for play scheme) and topped off with the outrageous Mar-a-Lago raid. This announcement, by a DOJ spokesperson on MSNBC this morning, is nothing other than a pre-election scam to try to erase their misdeeds in the eyes of the semi-literate voter. The MAGA (Make America Great Again) talking heads, to date, haven't seen the obvious intent of the ‘Breaking News’ announcement that the DOJ and the FBI were ‘launching’ a giant crackdown on the influx of Rainbow Fentanyl that is being found in all Fifty States, according to them. The claim by the DOJ person that this crackdown is the result of one and a half years of hard investigation is pure B.S., the DOJ and FBI have spent the last 18 months facilitating drugs across the southern border! Wake up America!

Have a nice day!


September 28, 2022


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