The Arsonist!
Just like the Firebug that set the fire and suddenly appears out of ‘nowhere’ to volunteer to help fight the fire is the Biden Administration! Immediately after taking office the administration set in motion the necessary ‘orders’ to create massive inflation, especially in the oil/fuel/industry, gasoline, diesel fuel and ammonia nitrate fertilizer. Then, like the arsonist, they appear out of nowhere, just in time to influence the midterm elections, to make the most noticeable of the inflated items, gasoline, reduce in price a few pennies each month, and now the arsonist is a ‘hero’! The price of gas is still over a dollar a gallon more than it was in March, and double what it was two years ago, and the disastrous ‘side effect’ damage, like the price of fertilizers, will be with us for years.
Have a nice day!
August 12, 2022