Sugar coating the communist!
Regardless of a lack of education or natural intelligence some FACTS are so obvious they cannot be ignored. Fact, China is a communist Nation! Fact, by moving 100% of our domestic industry to China, China has us ‘by the throat’! Fact, China is bankrupting us at the rate of well over a Billion dollars per day! Fact, many large Corporations that owe their very existence to China, ‘bow down’ and are on their knees to China! (General Electric, Walmart, Apple Computer, Facebook, Microsoft, Disney Corporation the list goes on and on.)
Our so-called ‘broadcast media’ is owned and controlled by the same ‘in bondage’ companies that are totally ‘obligated’ to China. Fact, ‘the propaganda news media’ has the rank and file ‘mesmerized’! If you deal with communists (China) you sleep with communists (China), you do the bidding of communists (China) you must be a communist!
Face the facts - wake up! Breaking the stranglehold China has on us is not going to be easy. The industry has to be brought back to America, not by sweet talk, but by law.
(a U.S. Company manufacturing anything overseas could not import any of their products back to the U.S.)
The broadcast media has to be ‘pried away’ from non-news business, that owns it, so the media could be truly independent and unbiased.
(The airwaves are public property, those airwaves belong to you and me, we have a right to say what they are used for)
If we fail to break away from China, what is the alternative, we better learn to speak Chinese!
Have a nice day!
August 10