Stupid Observations!
A guy by the name of Aaron Withe (that's all I caught name wise, and I am not certain that is correct) commenting on one of the ‘far right’ TV shows stated “some of the unions contribute to the Democrats”. Yes, labor unions have survived to some degree in spite of the relentless campaign by Republicans to destroy them. Through their ‘stooge’ organizations, like the US Chamber of Commerce and ‘radical business’ congress people such as the late Senator Taft, low wages has been the Republicans mantra. Yes, what little support labor got from Congress, it got it from the Democrats, and yes, unions normally support Democrats, except in the rare case of
a union official guy that doesn't mind ‘sleeping with the enemy’. And all working people should remember that Union labor earns 50% more, or even more than 50%, than their nonunion counterparts in a lifetime.
Have a nice day!
June 4, 2022