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Slick Willy; the Amateur Statesman!

Where were the ‘brains’ when the world was watching the negotiations to induce Ukraine (the second largest nuclear power in the world) to surrender its nuclear arsenal? At that time Ukraine held all of the Trumps (this is not a pun), and they could have easily been let into NATO as part of the deal! Instead, they settled for a protection guarantee by three so-called ‘superpowers’, Russia, the U. K. and the US. Bare in mind the Ukraine had just voted 90% to become ‘independent’, and were the subject of Russian wrath, talk about appointing the coyotes to guard the chicken house! The Ukraine delegation was apparently ‘mesmerized’ into giving up without a fight, back in December of 1994, but you need to remember the US was represented by Slick Willy, and the agreement also provided for a $14 billion ‘payment’ to Ukraine, to be ‘divided’, how? Now, 30 years later, we, the Ukraine and America are paying the price!

February 17, 2023


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