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Religious Debate!

When you were Privy to any discussion about religion did you ever hear either side, the believer, or the non-believer, bring up a ‘rational’, debatable reason for their position? In the rare discussions I have had on the subject the believers rely on the ‘default’ position “because it says so in the Bible”. It is rarely that a believer will ever listen to anything adverse about the Bible, or their particular religion. On the other side, the nonbeliever shies away from the discussion because he or she doesn't want to be branded as not ‘believing in anything’, “you mean there is no God”. I personally have one issue with the Hebrew Bible that takes precedence over many more issues. That is because the most prolific supplier of records and artifacts from the ancient world, Egypt, never mentioned in any form the presence of Hebrews in Egypt, not one word. The Exodus in the Bible states the exact numbers that the Hebrews left Egypt, all 605 thousand of them, in the middle of the night. That 605 thousand would be about 25%, or 1/4 of the entire population of Egypt at that time. It's not possible to believe such an event would go unnoticed by the world's greatest record keepers of that time. The Exodus, the second book in the Torah, the Torah being the ‘base’ of all the Old Testament, and is the same as Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. No mention of Exodus by the ancient Egyptians can only mean one thing, it never happened. Without Exodus there is no Torah, without the Torah there is no Old Testament, the Old Testament story brought God with it. No mention of where God came from, or where he had been before he created the universe, in the Old Testament story “He was just there”. Extending this a bit further, without God, there was no son. Without the son the collection of stories composing the New Testament are basically useless. The exception is the book of Luke which outlines the death of Jesus, apparently quite accurately. To complicate matters further the Dead Sea Scrolls reveal that Jesus had siblings, and the brother James was apparently older than Jesus. If the scrolls are correct, and why would they lie at the time they were written, Mother Mary was not a virgin.

Have a nice day!


September 17, 2022


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