Queers, Lesbians, and Transgenders!
I want to be clear about my feelings for the above mentioned deviates; I do not have any personal dislike for any of the above. I could care less if queer men play leapfrog until their kneecaps fall off, or if lesbians -?- maybe I don't want to know what lesbians do, beyond their toys and vibrators. As for the guys that want to wear high heels and lipstick, go for it, I could care less. But that is where it ends. All of the above is ‘deviant’ behavior. It's not normal, or natural. And when a man, passing as a woman, wants to invade the girl's bathroom, or play against the ladies in women's sports, that's going too far. Take gay marriage, that's as phony as a confederate three dollar bill. The institution of marriage, between a man and a woman dates beyond antiquity. The purpose was to formalize the duty to care for any offspring. Two people of the same sex cannot produce a child, without outside help, period,. If they want to live together, fine, like best friends, or even lovers, I don't care, but they do not deserve special laws to make these relationships acceptable as normal. I have had many ‘queer’ friends and associates over the years, most of these went well. To this day I have no personal animosity for queers. But I do object to their ‘pushy’ attempt to expand their ‘rights’, at the expense of other people losing their rights, like the girl athletes. I hope this clears the air for my friends and relatives.
Have a Nice Day!
December 12, 2024