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Political Intrigue!

The most consequential, and disastrous ‘coup’ that has occurred in America since the Revolution is being put in place as we speak. The key players at this time are ‘turncoat’ US representatives Ken Buck and Mike Gallagher. The ‘scheme’ is to have a number of Republican representatives ‘vacate’ their seat by or on April 19th 2024 to give the majority to the Democrats, who will then introduce some legislation that will prevent Donald Trump from running for President, it will then pass in both houses, controlled by the Democrats, and quickly signed by the anxiously waiting Joe Biden, deed done! This has the fingerprints all over it of Mark Elias, the totally corrupt Democrat lawyer, who was the architect of the infamous ‘Russia’-‘Russia’ 'Golden Showers’ thing that was supposed to save the day for Hillary Clinton. (Elias has been disbarred in several states, some that he wasn't even registered to practice in) This is not a conspiracy theory, this is real and urgent, but no one in the Republican side even seems to be aware of it. And without some immediate, vigorous, radical action, it is going to succeed! A total disaster for Democracy and the continuation of the United states as we know it. There is one possibility to head this off. I will outline that tomorrow!

Have a Happy Day!

#629 byrdsword

March 27, 2024


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