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More on the ‘Biden Crime Family’.

Watched what we could on the Joseph Goebbels branch of the Democratic Party, (CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox TV) some ‘Meet the Press’, more Margaret Brennan on Face the Nation. They have one theme on the stolen documents in Biden’s possession, they were all ‘mistakenly’ taken by ‘stupid’ staff members, but were ‘promptly’ returned, some going back as much as 7 or 8 years, by the team of lawyers Biden had hired to clean his office (Lawyers don't even clean their own offices). But the papers found in ‘his summer home’, where he kept his Corvette, were probably found by the guy he hired to polish the Corvette, or maybe it was one of the tenants who had rented the house, I heard it had been ‘rented out’ 8 times since Biden owned it. But not to worry, Biden said the garage doors were always locked, even when he took the Corvette out for a spin. We will learn some of the truth pretty soon, it will be shortly after Merrick Garland is impeached, and a new Attorney General is in place. But don't hold your breath, remember when Trump finally got enough ‘spine’ to fire Jeff Sessions, he replaced him with Bill Barr. From the frying pan into the fire. And by the way, of the Sunday shows we watched, none of them made any mention of the alleged 54 million the Chinese government had donated to the Biden Penn Center where the first of the stolen documents were reported, in Joe's vacated office!

Have a nice day!

January 15, 2023


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