Ignoring the obvious!
No one who is not ‘deaf and dumb’ and can read and write cannot possibly be unaware of the China takeover of the world, including us! The dumbest bastard on earth has to wonder why everything in Walmart says ‘made in China’. In trade alone we ‘drop’ over a billion dollars a day, to China. China is winning the ‘takeover’ war, without firing a shot. The few that can see what's happening before their eyes are too timid to ‘move’, because their ‘deferred tax account’ or 401-K, is heavily invested in Walmart, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Apple Computer, General Electric, Tesla, General Motors, Maytag and thousands more companies, that cannot survive without China, or so they claim. Before we are swallowed up, step number one is ‘cut off all ties with China’. How do you do that?, you pass a law that prevents any U.S. Company that ‘manufactures’ anything outside the US, from bringing any of those products back into the US. The American companies would ‘stampede’ back to the Mother Land. To protect US production, you slap a hefty tariff on foreign imports. No, it's not ‘free trade’ but it's the first step in saving America. Is that likely to happen, under the current ‘two party system’?, no, because I would challenge you to find one single member of the 535 voting members of Congress that haven't been offered, or accepted, a ‘bribe’ from the lobbyists that represent those same companies that are tied tight to China. The ‘Fascist, Brown Shirt’ activities of the current administration brings up the necessity of a third party, and a system that cannot be ‘subverted’ by the lobby system. Trump spoke about a ‘third party’ in 2015, and ‘made peace’ with the RNC by promising not to create one, to get the support of the RNC. The current political crisis suggests it's time for Trump to ‘rethink’ that position. Something crafted after the existing parties, won't work. It’s full of the same holes. A total ‘grass roots’ system as proposed by the Patriot Society www.thepatriotsocietyllc.com is the only solution to the dire jeopardy we are in. Trump should take a hard look at the Patriot Society, on the Internet, and a lot of other people should look at it also. We, as Americans, have a choice, but that option is about to evaporate, time is of the essence!
Have a nice day!
#550 www.byrdsword
March 31, 2023