Human Trash!
Watching Mike Johnson trying to justify his sellout to the Democrats/Communists is enough to make you ‘gag’! The SOB (that is the abbreviation for ‘son of a bitch’) sold out for ‘material gain’, it was not because of an ‘intelligence briefing’, or a change of heart or what's good for America, it was for cash, regardless how it was delivered. The possibilities are endless, a Swiss Bank Account, a membership in a prestige law firm, a stock option in a major corporation, and many others, take your pick. You can't help but notice the sellout didn't include any security at our borders, zero! Mike Johnson is the epitome of the Human Trash we have sent to DC to perpetuate Democracy, he joins many others cut from the same cloth, like Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Paul Ryan, the list is endless. Maybe Louisiana will have the decency to ‘Primary’ Johnson, then he can get along with his ‘new gig’. This isn't idle finger pointing, I am from Idaho, with 4 members in Congress, at least three of the four fit the’ trash’ pattern. As the ‘politicians’ like to refer to us, ‘the common people’, we deserve what we get while we concentrate on ‘sports’, amusements we can't afford and a collection of ‘toys’, while we ignore who the Candidate is, and who their ‘major’ donor is.
Have a nice day!
#635 byrdsword
May 9, 2024