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How a fake story endures!

If you recruit infants into a ‘story’, regardless of how implausible or phony the story is, a person indoctrinated with the story as an infant will hang on to the story for most of their life. A case in point is Santa Claus, recognized over much of the world, is the epitime of ridiculous, from his workshop in the north pole to his flying reindeer. Often explained as a ‘wonderful event’ for small children who are ‘overwhelmed’ by the wonder of someone who gives them free gifts, the truth of the matter is it is generally the devastating realization that their mommy and daddy lied to them. The revelation that there is no Santa Claus is truly heart breaking to many small children. And how do they handle this in the future? They just perpetuate the fake story when they have children of their own, and of course it's encouraged by business, because Santa Claus is a multibillion-dollar industry. Compare the fake Santa Claus story to the Hebrew Bible, same deal, mythical God, who is the center of a multibillion or trillion-dollar industry.

Have a nice day!


September 7, 2022


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