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Harris and Pelosi about to make their move!

Have you noticed that the ‘mainstream media’ is ‘all over’ President Biden like the smell on poop? They won’t even give him credit for his ‘sacrifices’ and superhuman efforts, like working 14-hour days and ‘enduring’ a two-hour press conference. The ‘mainstream’ attack on Biden is unprecedented. They traditionally never say a bad word about a Democrat dumb idea or bad move. To make sense of this you need to check on who owns the networks, and follow the money. The immediate consequence of the media blitz on Biden is the lead into the Pelosi-Harris takeover. This, I predict, will take place about April 1, 2022. The ironic part of this is Harris will need to watch her back once she takes the oath! Et tu Brutus? Compared to Pelosi, Brutus, Caeasar’s close friend, was a Sunday school teacher. Should Biden be President? no, Biden, Harris, Pelosi and the little weasel, Fauci, should all be in prison!

Have a nice day!


January 25, 2022


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