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Funny Money!

You hear much on TV / radio ‘news’ about the ‘Fed’ printing more worthless money, just paper, like Confederate Banknotes. None of this is true, when Congress raises the debt limit (the only function Congress has in this process) the ‘Fed’ prints and distributes the ‘new’ money through its member banks. But the new money is ‘secured’. just like the ‘old money’, “by the full faith and credit of the US government”. It becomes part of the national debt, and actually represents a ‘lien’ on everything you own, each trillion-dollar increment equals $3,000.00 per capita. It's like a giant ‘in common’ loan. The debt is just as real as if you took out a loan at the local bank, putting your house up as collateral, the only difference being the government pays the interest annually on the ‘private investments’ in the national debt, and maintains a ‘future’ retirement on the principle, or ‘kick the can down the road’. Now let's look at ‘Real Funny Money, ‘Bit coin’ or ‘Crypto’, here you have something (Bit coin) you don't know for certain who started it, you don't know for certain how many shares there are, or might be issued, it has no collateral other than the faith of the speculators who invest in it, hoping for ‘fabulous’ increases in value. There is nothing to prevent an instant collapse of any value it might have, there is no one, nowhere, guaranteeing the value, it's like a whiff of smoke, it was ‘real’ while it was there, but in an instant its gone. More on the ‘Fed’ later.

Have a nice day!


June 16, 2022


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