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Funny Elections!

The News Media ’Kill Trump Campaign’ that has been in ‘high gear’ for over four years has shifted into ‘overdrive’! This is the first election in history where we might have more ‘ballots’ than registered voters! Expect little help from the ‘so called’ conservative Supreme Court, but cut the court a little slack, the elections, and election issues, are state issues, the court has very little leverage. This points up the necessity of a set of uniform Federal rules governing Federal elections. The really sad part in this entire charade is the low level the existing political parties have sunk to. Why have we, as a nation, sank to this level? While it might seem China is a ‘remote’ element, China is the entire problem. If America is to survive as a Democratic republic, it must ‘cut the cord’ from China!


November 1, 2020


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