Free Stuff Wins again; or Does It?
Of all the Biden election ‘bribe gimmicks’ the ‘free stuff’ probably gained more votes for ‘crooked Joe’ than all the FBI threats and raids put together. But maybe there is very little ‘payday’ on the free stuff! Take the Student Loan Forgiveness; the Constitutions provides that “no appropriation from the treasury shall be made without an act of Congress”; ordering money due the treasury to be ‘forgiven’ is exactly the same as appropriating money from the treasury; it requires an act of Congress, not an executive order. (at least one Federal Judge has already ruled on this) Then look at the Biden Stimulus checks, not actually checks, but a tax credit; depending on how much or how little you earn, and if you qualify in the proper class. So much for that. Now the midterms are nearly over, maybe Joe can ‘back off’ on his ‘troll’ activities, or maybe not, he is already sowing the seed for a harvest of phony press support and all the good news his ‘Gestapo’ (the FBI) can create for him and his cohorts for the 2024 elections.
Have a nice day!
November 19, 2022