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Fraud and Corruption!

If we care enough to listen, or watch, we will see more and more of corruption in the top echelons of our government, bribes and shady deals with Ukraine, China, Romania, and on and on. But as blatant and widespread as this is, it pales in comparison, in dollar volume, to the ongoing fraud in the so-called ‘Medicare Advantage Plans’. You cannot watch television for more than an hour without seeing at least one ad for all of the ‘free’ benefits available in ‘your area’. The first question should be, in a Federal Program, why there might be benefits available in ‘your area’, that wouldn't be available elsewhere? Bear in mind that the majority of the ads are by ‘lead producers’ (in the legal industry they call them ambulance chasers) who then turn the ‘leads’ they get over to cooperating insurance companies. The contracting of huge geographical areas of this country to private insurance companies, or health care ‘nonprofits, along with the huge advance payments by Social Security that go along with it, is fraud in its purest form. But if the American people are O.K. with a known, self-confessed, crook, named Biden, being President, then they are probably O.K. with the Social Security Administration doling out trillions to private insurance companies.

Have a Nice Day!

#599 byrdsword

December 3, 2023


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