Fake News!
I just heard a rumor that President-elect Trump had suggested the Republicans ‘pay off’ the Democrat's ‘campaign debts’! Whoever put that fake news up should know better! The Trump of 2024 is not the Trump of 2016, who went ‘over the edge’ in nominating John Bolton as national security advisor, and even had a formal dinner deal to ‘invite’ Mitt Romney to join the administration. Romney, the ‘slimiest of the slimmys’ was the guy, as a governor, who proposed and managed to pass a law that ‘fined’ people for not having ‘unilateral’ health insurance, many of whom had difficulty buying groceries, let alone shelling out six or seven hundred a month for health insurance. Romney declined the invite, he probably figured he could do more damage sniping from the sidelines then he could from within. Listen up, you fake news guys, the suggestion to pay off the Democrats debts would be reason enough for everyone who had contributed to the Trump campaign to demand a ‘refund’. No, Trump is not that stupid, and he knows in 2024 that the ‘mass vote’ came from concern over the ‘mass border crossings’, promoted by the Communist Bidens. Trump is also smart enough to know that Democrats, one and all, are Communist agents, the active, like, Biden, at 30 million in bribes, or Tim Walz at 30 trips to China to teach Xi about Democracy, or the uninformed ‘inactive’ mass, who didn't know what was going on, because the mainstream media didn't tell them. No, you fake news guys, Trump knows he can't sweep ‘closing the border and deporting the illegals’, under the rug, like he did in the first two years of his first administration. He also knows he needs to ‘see to it’ that Biden’s attorney general, and the head guy in the FBI, are prosecuted for their gross dereliction of duty. No, any suggestion that Republicans pay off any debts of the Communist Democrats, is fake news, in my heart of hearts I know Trump is not that literally stupid! Trump has a tremendous task ahead of him in dismantling Obama's ‘deep state’, without creating a ‘deep state’ of his own. And he, Trump, knows you can't make a deal with Democrats to unify the country, no matter how much you kiss their ass, all they will come back with is something like Hillary Clinton’s Russia-Russia deal, or they will find some whore to claim Trump raped her, although she can't remember where, or when, that occurred! Let's hope Trump is not influenced by really bad ideas, and fake news!
Have a Happy Day!
November 11, 2024