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Confused Republicans!

The Republican Party can't seem to grasp how Trump was elected in 2016. It wasn't because of Tax Cuts or business deregulation, that appealed to about 20% of the population. It was, number one, building the wall, closing the border and deporting the illegals! That appealed to 80% of the population, as did “we are going to repeal the ACA, Obamacare”! The latter was accompanied by “we will get rid of the ACA and replace it with something better, which made many of the ‘blue collar masses’ think there was a chance for Universal Health Care. In reality, Trump had no idea of how to replace Obama care, and he and his team made it even worse than it was. The Blue Collars, like me, voted Trump in, and we damn sure don't like being betrayed, and we are not likely to forget. (After the tax cuts, Trump was ready to go play golf, and that is basically what he did)

Have a nice day!

March 1, 2023


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