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China Puppets!

A quick rundown of the Mega giants in American Business that are totally captured by the Chinese Communist party should give any intelligent person reason for alarm! Take a gander; Bill Gates (Microsoft) Jeff Bezos (Amazon) Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) the late Steve Jobs (Apple Computer) the Walton Family (Walmart) Eric Schmidt (Harbor Freight); this is just a quick skim off the top of my head, there are ‘hundreds’ more. You can trace this all back to Henry Kissinger and his ‘One World’ government. The ideology of the ‘One World’ Kissinger is still promoting was from the ‘get go’ based on China. You can't really condemn the average ‘Joe’ or ‘Mary Ann’ for not being aware of their country being destroyed in front of their very eyes, because the only source of information the average person has is the ‘mainstream’ media, which is all under the control of those same people. The American average ‘Joe’ is two involved trying to exist and preserve the American dream to really pay attention to what is happening. It's much like the lemmings jumping off the cliff into the sea, or fish in a pond churning the water into a froth responding to a handful of ‘Chum’. If there is a salvation for America it has to come from a total turn around in our political system. The only plausible idea that I have ever heard of is the Patriot Society LLC. Check this out on the web at https://www.thepatriotsociety The promoter for America's doom was Kissinger, who was referred to by President Nixon as an ‘opportunistic ideologue’ and closed his comment with ‘I don't even like the S.O.B. but I am forced to do business with him’. Wake up America, before it's too late.

May 25, 2022


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