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Charlie Kirk, Confused!

I love the Charlie Kirk show, overall, he is a bright young man with a lot going for him. But one thing that irritates the living Hell out of me is his constant denial that the United States is a democracy! His explanation is the United States is, and, I quote, a “Representative Republic”. Charlie, you need to check the Dictionary for the words ‘Democracy’, ‘Representative’ and Republic. And then you need to read the first sentence in the Preamble of the US Constitution! “We the People” of the United States, means exactly that. The people, realizing the entire population could not convene in the Capitol to make laws, created a system to ‘elect temporary’ representatives to convey the populace wish and desire. Much on the order of Ancient Greek and Roman Republic practice. It never meant in any form that the people abdicated Democracy, any more than signing a power of attorney abdicates a person's ability to manage their personal affairs. Yes Charlie, the United States was, is, and always will be a Democracy!

Have a nice day!


September 27, 2022


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