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Cash; Ukraine to Biden!

From 2014 to 2018, two million dollars per year flowed from Ukraine to the Biden Family; this is not fiction, during the Impeachment of President Trump, attorney Pam Bondi produced the bank records! It was paid to Hunter Biden and Devon Archer like a monthly salary at the rate of $83,333 per month plus change! Is it a stretch of the imagination that a ‘cash flow’, on a larger scale, is occurring before our very eyes? The two million a year was ‘protected’ by Joe's threat to withhold ‘one billion’ in aid to Ukraine. (Which he ‘bragged about’ in an appearance of the CFR, The Council on Foreign Relations). The stakes, along with the temptation, are a lot higher now, with over 100 billion already sent to Ukraine. You need to remember that the Ukrainian President, Zelensky, declined the ‘suggestion’ by President Trump to investigate the matter, during the ‘infamous phone call’, and Biden and Zelensky seem to be pretty chummy at the moment.

Have a nice day!

February 24, 2023

P.S. When we cancelled this website they informed us it would be active to the ‘paid up’ period, March 13,2023. Thanks for reading!


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