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Armed Revolution!

For the third time in its short history, armed revolution is becoming a ‘virtual’ possibility for the ‘infant’ Democratic Experiment known as the United States of America! In the event of such possibility the only political entity that could prevail on the side of the ‘mass population would be the It's unfortunate that at this point in time is only an embryo, due to insufficient funding to create the online Treasury system, which is a paramount feature of the structure, as the Field Representative that solicit members on a commission basis would be paid their percentage on a daily basis. While the cost is about equivalent to the price of a modest ‘starter’ home, it's beyond my means. Hopefully, we can overcome this problem, and get the Society going before the Chinese takeover, and the total disarming of America by Biden’s 87,000 armed IRS agents, posing as tax collectors, when they are actually ‘gun’ collectors. with its central command and thousands of volunteers in the Societies ‘Home Guard’ would put a stop to the gun collectors. While the ‘sentiment’ of the conservative ‘MAGA’ movement is strong and correct in protecting the 2nd amendment, the conservatives are politically attached to the Republican Party, which is totally unorganized and in complete disarray. Depending on the Republican Party to save America is a ‘pipe’ dream! To save America someone has to come forward to get the  up and running!

Have a Happy Day!

June 22, 2024


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