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Another Republican Screw up?

I have noticed that quite recently the ‘offbeat’ TV programs that we watch, Real America’s Voice, or RAV for short, now on channel 17.1, which is a step backward from channel 27.8, are changing their tune on election strategy. For about 19 months the message has been “win the midterms and then make’em pay”. That's a good message, and a good strategy. Biden created the inflationary cycle, on purpose, and then shortly prior to the midterm election, came out with all kinds of ‘good guy’ gimmicks, like ‘strong arming’ the price of gas down a few pennies each month, and the totally ‘one sided’ deals like forgiveness of student loans. The influx of illegal aliens, aided and abetted by the Biden Administration in itself is grounds to impeach Biden, and several others. But quite recently the ‘offbeat’ news is changing their tune. Instead of advocating for holding the ‘wrongdoers’ responsible, the new tune is ‘if we (the MAGA movement) win the house, let's forget about impeaching AG Garland, Biden, and the rest of the bad guys. This came out pure and simple on the Steve Gruber segment today (September 13, 2022) without any apologies. Several of the other shows have echoed that sentiment. As we speak we are the ultimate target of the Chinese takeover, in fact we are the only roadblock to the world domination by China. In this environment the idea of letting the public officials who are ‘aiding and abetting’ these Chinese schemes to disrupt and destroy America ‘off the hook’ is a bad idea. Not just a bad idea, it's a fatal idea. I don't know if a Republican House would have the ‘stomach’ for a real house cleaning, it might be a replay of 2017, when Trump had all the cards for building the coast-to-coast wall and deporting the illegals. But all he could think about was tax cuts for the rich and reshuffling Obama Care to enrich the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industries. At this point the Blue-collar mass by sheer numbers holds the winning hand, we'll see how they play them.

Have a nice day!


September 13, 2022


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