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Allocating The Vaccine Is Not A Medical Question!

No more than drawing numbers for draftees for military service was a medical problem! While the virus itself was a scientific and medical question, once the mechanics of the vaccine was established, the allocation was a selection process of who would be on the firing line, or who wouldn't. The committee that made the rules (the ACIP committee within the CDC) is a group of 15 people, 14 medical people, and one lawyer. The CDC compiled all of the statistics used in the allocation recommendation, I got all of my information from the CDC weekly reports (the MMWR) so they were all well aware of the numbers. They made the allocation based on both fact and myth, the myth being that the Med industry was a very dangerous place to work during the pandemic. The fact is members of the general public were 23 times as likely to die from COVID-19 as a medical industry person. According to an ‘official’ CDC report for Idaho, not a single person under age 45 had died in Idaho from COVID-19 prior to December 3, 2020 when that report was issued, December 11, 2020. The fact is they totally left the population element that was dying, out of the prioritizing. I don’t mean just not fairly, I mean not at all, zilch, zero. What changed that somewhat in Idaho, the ‘Good Ole Governor’ got sued! To make that ‘’heinous’ allocation look like a harmless oversight, and to make the lawsuit appear ‘moot’ or ‘frivolous’, they hurriedly made ‘over 65’ ‘eligible’, ‘depending on available supply’, while still going ahead with their original scheme! Most of the seniors now getting shots have no idea why the ‘Good Ole Governor’ had a change of heart! But that’s O.K. if you can get an appointment, go get it. Better now than July or August, or maybe next year, if you are still around!

Have a nice day!


March 13, 2021


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