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Absolute Independence; The Special Counsels

On March 11 Jack Smith submitted court documents where he admitted that the U.S. Attorney General and the DOJ had been ‘coaching’ his investigation of the Trump documents case, i.e., the White House! Then on March 12, Special Counsel Hur, in congressional questioning “question, did you submit the report to the White House, or the Presidents (Biden) staff”? Yes, I sent the report, at their request, to the White House, “question, and did the White House request you alter the report, “yes, and they edited the report”. So much for ‘Independent Counsels’, neither Jack Smith investigation or the Hur report has any more value than the paper it's written on, both Special Counsels were appointed for the sole purpose of supporting a corrupt president (Biden), and destroying his political rival. If America has any hope of survival, it lies with Robert Kennedy Jr., not with the totally dysfunctional Republican Party!

Have a Happy Day!

#624 byrdsword

March 14, 2024


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