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Aaron Rodgers, VP?

The rumor that Aaron Rodgers might be the vice president choice to run with Robert Kennedy Jr. as president was greeted as a silly idea by most of the talking heads, let's take a look at the idea. Aaron Rodgers is not a politician, that means he hasn't spent his life soliciting ‘bribes’ and other shady sources of income. He has also ‘earned’ millions of dollars during his lifetime, and has demonstrated to the world that he is very intelligent, and ‘can think on his feet’. He also brings along millions of supporters and admirers that would vote for that ticket. Not smart enough to be VP, and maybe president? Let's compare Rodgers with some of the other VP choices of the recent past, and the present. On just plain smart, Rodgers vs Harris, Rodgers vs Pence, Rodgers vs Palin, etc., etc. On name recognition, worldwide, same deal,  Rodgers vs all of the above. Then the final question that never gets asked, how would the VP fit in as President? After considering ‘smart’ and the ability to think on your feet, that choice is plain! If Kennedy had the option of choosing Rodgers as VP, and muffs it, that goes down as Kennedys first major campaign mistake!

Have a Happy Day!

#625 byrdsword

March 19, 2024


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