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A vaccine?

This is a repost of May 13, 2020

Much of the world, the EU, the UK and even China joined into a ‘mutual’ aid and assist effort to develop a vaccine for the Coronavirus. There are two ‘notable’ world powers who did not join the effort, Russia and the US. I have no idea why the number two Coronavirus ‘screwup’, Russia, did not join in, but I can tell you why the number one ‘screwup’ did not join! That is because the agreement spelled out “all discoveries, all therapies and vaccines that are developed will be equally shared, and made available to all people at a cost not to exceed the cost of production”. Get that, ‘at cost’, none of Trumps billionaire Pharmaceutical buddies could make trillions out of it, so we ain’t joining in.

January 29, 2021


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