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A Danger to Democracy!

The Biden Administration and the entire mainstream broadcast media is the threat to democracy! My reference to democracy alludes to one-man one vote, not thousands of ‘absentee’ mail in ballots nor the Dominion ‘rigged’ voting machines. Another sore spot is the ‘drop boxes’ for people that just can't seem to find a post office or a voting location. How in the world would those type of people ever find a grocery store, a gas station, or a school? Drop boxes are just another gimmick to cheat on elections, all of that crap should be illegal. The federal elections (President, Vice President, Senators, and Representatives) should all be elected under a set of uniform Federal rules, paper ballots, vote in person at the voting location, and the votes counted the same day at the voting location. But you might say that can't be done because the Constitution gives the authority to the states to conduct elections! That is true, but that Constitutional authority has a saving clause; inserted into the Constitution by the founding fathers just in case the Democrat Party ever got in charge of elections, and devised all kind of ‘gimmicks’ to cheat and steal elections such as Drop boxes, absentee ballots, mail in ballots and crooked ‘fixed’ voting machines. That saving clauses is “but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations”, this is part of Article 1 Section 4 Paragraph One, of the Constitution, the same paragraph that conveys the election authority to the states. Congress can fix this election farce in a heartbeat, and the authority is there. But step number one is getting Congress out of the hands of the crooked, sneaky Democrats. That might be hard to do, because the same ‘gimmicks’ are in place for 2022 that they had in 2020. A secure election process is the most important element in our Democracy, and is the first step in stopping the Chinese Communist behemoth that is in the process of rolling over us.

Have a nice day!


September 14, 2022


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