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Trump; Business, Pleasure, and Airplanes

From Hotels to Golf Courses to Casinos to Beauty Pageants to Football teams, Trumps life and

interests have been devoted to the ‘hospitality’ and recreation industry. Everything he touched

depended on moving masses of people, from spectators to teams to tourists, by airplanes! Then

when a deadly virus ‘developed’, regardless whether it was natural or man-made, and thousands

of infected people were circulating worldwide, the vast majority by commercial passenger airlines,

and the most logical step to contain the ‘spread’ was to ground the passenger airlines, Trump just

refused to do it. Instead of taking the right step, he chose to let it spread, giving America more

virus than any other Country in the World! (over 20% of the World total, according to Worldometer)

Trumps ‘hospitality empire’ would have ‘crashed’, right along with the airlines if he had ordered the

airlines grounded. He tried to avoid that by pumping public money into the airlines, and in

appreciation of that the airline industry has decided to remove ‘restrictions’ on domestic flights, to

‘restore profitability’. It would be a stretch of the imagination to think Trump had anything to do

with that decision by the airlines, and of course that could be ‘fake’ news as reported on network

news (NBC) last night. The net result, more virus, stock up on toilet paper and disinfectant! Have a

nice day!


September 1, 2020

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