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The Idaho Special Session!

Supposedly all about elections and protecting businesses and school boards, the ‘Biggy’ for

Governor Brad was to erect some legal barrier to protect him, and his ‘co-defendants’, from being

sued for malfeasance and negligence. The session went from two days to three days, and ended

with a party-line ‘award’ of some very flimsy legal protection to business owners and school

boards, by stripping away the rights of some to make that award to others, in spite of ‘gross

negligence’. I’m speaking about US Constitutional rights, that can’t be altered by the Idaho

legislature to start with, so it was an exercise in futility. The one bright spot in the whole ‘charade’

was the legislature took the ‘attempted’ protection away from officials of the State Government. So

Brad ended up, as far as legal protection goes, exactly where he started from! Sorry, Brad, nice try!

Have a nice day!


September 1, 2020

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