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Future Laws; Needed Now!

In February 2020, America woke up to the fact that critical materials to contain a pandemic were only available from China, where it all began. What a coincidence! The only solution to that unfortunate situation is to make those materials in the USA! But you can’t do that, because you can’t get people to work for $2.00 per day in the USA. But you can make all of those materials here if we have the guts to pass a simple law! That law would prohibit any American company, like 3-M, from importing back into the US, directly or indirectly ‘any’ goods manufactured in a foreign country! The American companies could have plants and facilities ‘overseas’, and they could sell the products they made ‘overseas’ anywhere in the world, except here. In a ‘heartbeat’ there would be PPE, drugs, ventilators, you name it, made in the USA. And the cost, everything involved at the present is about 3 times what it was a year ago! If you consider that, there is plenty of ‘slack’ for American labor, and plenty of incentive for US companies to return to America, or for ‘new’ companies to start up! There is little likelihood that the world will see a ‘surge’ in the pandemic like we are seeing here, due to intelligent leadership in most of countries around the world, but the ability to care for the ‘victims’ here is almost certain to be more critical in the near future than it was in March and April. To date there has been very little effort made to produce the critical materials here. People will, in time, learn that we need to take care of America, and we cannot afford, for the sake of greed, to put our wellbeing, and even ‘life or death’, in the hands of foreign countries,, that don’t like us to start with. America needs to wake up! Our Democracy is falling apart, our health is at stake, and what are our priorities? Many American are more concerned about the success of Pro Basketball being played in a ‘bubble’, than they are about the availability of PPE. We probably deserve what we get!


July 11, 2020

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