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Trump the Chump!

From being played like a yo-yo by the little fat man with the bad haircut in North Korea, to getting put in the barrel for a turn or two by our NAFTA partners, our President hasn’t really produced anything but fodder for the late night joke mill! If he is bent on doing stupid stunts why doesn’t he emulate Joe Biden and work things like the Biden family take of about 8 million from the crooked oil company in the Ukraine. To start with, Trump would consider 8 million over a period of nearly five years to be ‘Peanuts’. And on top of that Trump wouldn’t have President Obama ‘on board’ to make sure the deal worked! You would have thought Joe Biden could have dreamed up a better ‘shakedown’ than a scheme to protect a crooked oil company in the Ukraine. After all, he was the ‘man in the room’ when Obama made his deal with the ‘Oracle of Omaha’ not to squelch the 2009 bailout of General Motors, General Electric, the Chrysler Corporation, a dozen or so Banks and most importantly AIG. The ‘Oracle’, through his Berkshire-Hathaway holding company saved several billion that he was certain to lose if AIG wasn’t bailed out, and was probably the reason Barack was able to get a 60 million advance on his book, and Michelle a hefty advance also. (on her book) The difference between Obama and Trump appears to be “show me the green”, and “tell me how great I am”. From a re-election standpoint Trump has never realized he was elected by the Blue-Collar poor people, he seems to think the ‘never Trumpers’ actually elected him, while that was really where Hillary’s votes came from! I like to think his outbursts of stupidity were due to his close advisors (AKA his family), but most of those ‘gaffs’ come when the family isn’t nearby. I think ‘injecting bleach’ to kill the Virus, or ‘stop testing’ so you won’t be aware of the infection rate, appeared to be spontaneous. Over the years I have watched John Bolton with disgust, and was horrified when he was appointed National Security Advisor, but I did agree with one of his few intelligent statements; that just yesterday, I quote; “I am not voting for Trump and I am not voting for Joe Biden either”. Quote-unquote.


June 23, 2020

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