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Now It’s All About John Bolton!

Remember back in December and January when Nancy ‘the Pig’ Pelosi was tying President Trump up with ‘impeachment’ when he should have been ‘concentrating’ on the ‘Virus’. Like Chauvin had George Floyd, she had him by the throat, and all she could talk about was they needed a few more months so they could get John Bolton to testify, and that would seal old Trumps doom! But now 6 months later, the top Democrats, like ‘slimy’ Adam Schiff are saying he ‘sold out’ to the Republicans by not appearing before the House Committee and telling the story that would send Trump down the road. But here is the problem Bolton had, if he appeared before the House Committee he would be under ‘oath’. If he lied, he would face perjury, if he told the truth, goodbye book, and several hundred thousand dollars. What to do? not do anything, and hope for the best!


June 23, 2020

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