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Who’s to Blame?

The George Floyd murder has been seen and ‘considered’ by nearly everyone in America. The guilt of Derek Chauvin, the guy who killed George Floyd, is beyond question! What he may have had for a motive is not material. What is material and unfortunate, Minnesota no longer has the death penalty. Life in prison is not sufficient for Derek Chauvin. How about the other three officers involved? You need to remember the police department is a quasi-military organization, with a ‘pecking’ order set up by rank, and in the case of ‘Union’ police departments it is also subject to a second set of ‘Union’ rules. In the case of George Floyd, the only apparent ‘order’ is seniority. The senior officer here was Derek Chauvin, who reportedly had 19 years on the force. It would be ‘awkward’, to say the least, for Thomas Lane, a ‘rookie’, to intervene, or J. Alexander Kueng, with one year on the force, likewise. The only officer involved who might have had enough influence on Chauvin to stop the murder in progress was Tou Thao, with 8 years ‘seniority’. On the other end of ‘why me’, any one of those could have ripped off his badge, resigned on the spot, and kicked Derek Chauvin in the head. Looking above the low brows involved in the physical act of murder, lets look at Mayor Frey, the Hennepin County Prosecutor, Mike Freeman and the Federal interest. Mayor Frey, alluded to as a ‘sissy’ by some, fired the 4 cops, and them ordered the prosecutor to obtain warrants for the arrest of the fired cops. The only ‘timely’ action in this entire shameful episode, Mayor Frey. Freeman ignored the Mayors plea to arrest the cops, using the lame excuse he needed to investigate! The ‘probable cause’ to arrest the disgraced police officers was on the video, along with several dozen eye witnesses, for all to see! The Minnesota Attorney General and the US Attorney General have both ‘weighed in’, but as we speak, six days later (and after billions of dollars in mob violence damage, and several more deaths and many injuries) there has only been one arrest! Yes, justice is blind, and moves very slowly.

Have a nice Day!


June 1, 2020

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