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No Luck at All!

Many people have heard the phrase, ‘if I didn’t have bad luck, I would have no luck at all’, this certainly applies to President Trump in 2020. To start 2020, the President was the ‘victim’ of the most crooked, scheming, low life corrupt member of congress who had ever been ‘Speaker of the House’, Nancy Pelosi. Having ‘cajoled’ the House to pass her Bill of Impeachment’, she then ‘danced’ around the country, for over a month, waving her bill, and yelling for everyone to hear, I got him, I got him, whatever happens from now on, ‘he is impeached’, I got him impeached. After she finally fell off her broom, she forwarded the ‘bill’ to the Senate, where, after due time, it was dismissed. Before the smoke had cleared from ‘impeachment’, the ‘new’ virus that had been ‘smoldering’ in China since November of 2019, burst into flame! The guy who had led a ‘storybook life’ was now confronted with his second ‘bout’ of ‘terrible bad luck’, another event he had no part in creating! Three quarters of a century of ‘coming out smelling like a rose’, had apparently abandoned the President. With no real idea of how to’ block’ the virus from the US, he did very little. This lack of ‘definitive’ action is an ‘albatross’ around his neck, and will haunt him, and his legacy forever. While the President is attempting to ‘paddle’ to shore, and plug the ‘leak’ in the bottom of the boat at the same time, the ‘idiot cop’ in Minnesota created another catastrophe, here again, an event the President had nothing to do with. But his political opponents are attempting to lay all the blame on him. It is true to the old democrat mantra; “don't let a good riot go to waste”. I cannot imagine how much more ‘bad luck’ can be heaped on Trump in 2020. Trump could, even at this late date, turn the tables! Here's how, Trump could resign, as President, turn it over to Mike Pence, and go back to campaigning for the 2020 election. Then Mike Pence would resign, become Trump's running mate, and turn it all over to the rotten, corrupt Nancy Pelosi, who would immediately ‘cure’ the coronavirus, create instant ‘love and brotherhood’ between the Afro community and the cops, and invite ‘all’ of Central America to move to the US. After that was done she would ‘apologize’ to China and North Korea, and send a couple hundred billion to Iran. And on January 20, 2021 Trump would be inaugurated for the second time.


June 1, 2020

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