The jury said “the blue tail fly”!
If Stephen Foster was still around to create a lyric about ‘real things’ that are happening as we speak, he might approach the recent...
How it's coming down!
There is a billionaire Chinese guy, a defector and former ‘intimate’ of the Chinese Communist Party (his name is Guo) who was about to...
Dr. Fauci? Dr. of what?
The ‘now hear this’ (like in a military call to arms) announcement by Elon Musk that the Twitter files concerning Dr. Fauci were being...
Good Paying Jobs? Members Wanted!
The Patriot Society, once fully subscribed, and operational, would give Field Representatives an opportunity to earn a six figure income....
Little Abner and Lust!
If you remember the comic strip, the main character, Abner was a hillbilly dolt, quite handsome in a rough way, and the object of two...
In case of Civil War
Should a real ‘shooting’ civil war ever develop in the US, God forbid, people want to remember it would be Americans shooting at...
the underlying crime!
Just read the indictment of President Trump by Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan prosecuting attorney. Mr. Bragg took one charge, which was not...
Ignoring the obvious!
No one who is not ‘deaf and dumb’ and can read and write cannot possibly be unaware of the China takeover of the world, including us! The...